Thursday, November 24, 2005

'Dante and Vergil' Bibliography

On Tuesday I gave a brief presentation on my project for my Reception class, titled for the occasion, "Dante as a Reader of Vergil's Aeneid III in Inferno XIII." I worked up a bibliography for the class, which includes some of my notes on particular books. I also added a section on "Art" for the History of Art students in the class. I'll post it here in the hopes that someone who is also interested in the topic might stumble across it and find it of some use. A girl can dream.

Editions and Commentaries of the texts:

Aligheri, Dante, The Divine Comedy, trans. and commentary by Charles S. Singleton, 6 vols. (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1970-75).
--Bilingual, a standard English edition of the complete poem.

Aligheri, Dante, Inferno. trans. Robert Pinsky, (New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994).
--Bilingual, a verse translation that attempts to recreate some of Dante’s terza rima in English, with useful notes in the back-- a very accessible edition.

Aligheri, Dante, Inferno: The Indiana Critical Edition. ed. and trans., Mark Musa. (Indianapolis, Ind.: Indiana UP, 1995).
--Includes useful commentary and several critical essays on a range of topics.

Tozer, Rev. H. F., An English Commentary on Dante’s Divina Commedia, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1901).
--Useful detailed commentary on the Italian text, particularly the more archaic passages.

Vergil, Aeneid, trans. Robert Fitzgerald, (New York: Vintage Books, 1990).

Vergil, Aeneid, ed. with introduction and notes by R. Deryck Williams, (London: Bristol Classical Press, 1996).

Vergil, Opera, ed. R.A.B. Mynors, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969).

Secondary Sources, General:

Comparetti, Domenico, Vergil in the Middle Ages, trans. E.F.M. Benecke, (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1997).
--A seminal work on Vergil Reception, though written 125 years ago. This edition includes a fine introduction from Jan M. Ziolkowski. An easy to read and elucidating work.

Hollander, Robert, Dante: A Life in Works, (New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2001).
--Includes discussion of all of Dante’s works, incl. some insightful chapters on the Commedia.

Kallendorf, Craig, ed., Vergil, (New York : Garland Pub., 1993).
--From The Classical Heritage Series, this collection of essays is a useful and varied introduction to the Reception of Vergil, incl. two chapters pulled from VMA (above) and articles on Dante (Robert Hollander) and Vergil in Art (Alexander G. McKay)

Scott, John A., Understanding Dante, (Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2004).
--A very full book, with discussions of every work of Dante, his contemporary world, and a lengthy chapter on “Dante and classical antiquity.” Each heading is subdivided, making this large work relatively easy to use.

Secondary Sources, Specific:

Hawkins, Peter S., Dante’s Testaments: Essays in Scriptural Imagination, (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 1999).
--A collection of essays focusing on Dante’s models, incl. Vergil.

Jacoff, Rachel, and Jeffrey T. Schnapp, eds., The Poetry of Allusion: Virgil and Ovid in Dante’s Commedia,” (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 1991).
--Collection of essays by variety of scholars. The introduction is useful, as are the contributions of Stephany, pgs. 37-44 (see also below), Douglas Biow, “From Ignorance to Knowledge: The Marvelous in Inferno 13,” 45-61, and Michael C.J. Putnam, “Virgil’s Inferno,” pgs. 94-112.

Putnam, Michael C.J. “The Third Book of the Aeneid: From Homer to Rome,” in Essays on Latin Lyric, Elegy, and Epic, ed. Michael C.J. Putnam (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1982), 267-287.

Speroni, C., “The Motif of Bleeding and Speaking Trees of Dante’s Suicides,” Italian Quarterly 9 (1965), 44-55.

Sheehan, David, “The Control of Feeling: A Rhetorical Analysis of Inferno XIII,” Italica, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Summer, 1974), 193-206.

Lindheim, Nancy, “Body, Soul, and Immortality: Some Readings in Dante’s Commedia,” MLN, Vol. 105, No. 1, Italian Issue (Jan. 1990), 1-32.

Spitzer, Leo, “Speech and Language in Inferno XIII,” Italica, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Sep., 1942), 81-104.

Stephany, William A., “Dante’s Harpies: “tristo annunzio di futuro danno,” Italica, Vol. 62, No. 1 (Spring, 1985), 24-33.


Brieger, Peter H., Millard Meiss, and Charles S. Singleton, Illuminated manuscripts of the Divine Comedy, (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1969).
--Two big volumes, one all plates.

Donati, Lamberto, Il Botticelli e le prime illustrazioni della Divina Commedia, (Firenze: L.S. Olschki, 1962).

Kallendorf, Craig, “The Aeneid Transformed: Illustration as Interpretation from the Renaissance to the Present,” in Poets and Critics Read Vergil, ed. Sarah Spence (New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2001), 121-148.
--Discussion of woodcuts and engravings accompanying Aeneid editions and translations, includes many good images.

Klonsky, Milton, Blake’s Dante: The Complete Illustrations to the Divine Comedy, (New York: Harmony Books, 1979).

Pope-Hennessy, John, A Sienese Codex of the Divine Comedy, (Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1947)

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