Tuesday, November 01, 2005

50s food

James Lileks' Gallery of Regrettable Food, an "introduction" to recipe books from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, is hilarious. My favorite so far are the Knudsen's books, with some of the most revolting meal ideas I've ever seen.

From the introduction to the More Fun With Coffee recipe book: "In this booklet, coffee takes you all over the world, introducing you to exotic beverages and foods, and charming customs of other lands." (That extra comma is the copy editor's fault-- perhaps he'd been drinking too much coffee?) Now doesn't that sound intriguing? I'm very curious about what these editors fifty years ago considered "charming customs of other lands." Unfortunately, Lileks doesn't show us that much of the book, but there is plenty on this site to check out.

Oh, and I love the 10 pm Cookery's "Especially For the Girls" recipes. But when I compared the "Strictly Stag" page, I was even more impressed.

And of course, many of the cookbooks include aspics & gelatin delights, so popular in the fifties. Now, after looking at meat jello and technicolor mush, I get to go have lunch.


Dennis said...

Hey! You didn't give me any credit!

Ah well ... I like the new subtitle. I didn't even know what a 'commonplace book' was, which means your blog is not only entertaining, but educational.

Sarah said...

Sorry, the credit's all yours. Thank you for recommending the site.